The attorneys at Frago & Lasswell, P.A. exclusively practice family law including divorce, paternity, custody and child support matters. By focusing on family law, our firm is able to vigorously and effectively work with our clients to guide and advocate for them during a very difficult and stressful time in their lives.

Our firm’s philosophy is to provide our clients with the best possible service while helping them reach their goals and objectives. We are strong advocates for our clients both in and out of the courtroom. We help our clients reach a resolution that meets the unique needs of their family. While most cases are resolved through skillful negotiation, it is sometimes necessary to litigate in court to effectively protect our clients’ rights.


Areas of Practice

Frago & Lasswell P.A. practices family law exclusively, so our attention is laser-focused on your specific needs. Our primary areas of practice include:

Dissolution of Marriage

Custody and parenting time, child support, spousal maintenance (alimony), asset and debt division, and non-marital claims

Paternity/Unmarried Parents

Determining parentage, genetic testing, recognition of parentage, custody and parenting time (visitation), and child support

Child Custody

Third-party and grandparent custody and visitation and modifications of custody and parenting time.

Orders for Protection

Harassment Restraining Orders and other protections


About Our Team

Attorneys (and spouses) Brad Frago and Michelle Lasswell practice exclusively in the area of family law. Both Brad and Michelle are qualified neutrals under Rule 114, and they have private family law mediation practices. Since 2002, Brad and Michelle have worked together at Frago & Lasswell P.A., helping Northfield clients successfully resolve their family law cases. Read More


Get Started Today

By focusing on family law, our firm is able to vigorously and effectively work with our clients to educate and help them during a very stressful time in their lives. Our primary goal is to provide our clients with the best possible service while helping them reach their goals and objectives. We are strong advocates for our clients both in and out of the courtroom. We encourage our clients to work with the other party to come to a resolution that meets the unique needs of their family through negotiation, mediation, and/or collaborative law.

Call Frago & Lasswell P.A. at (507) 663-7998 to speak with a knowledgeable Northfield family law attorney today

(507) 663-7998